How It Got Started
16 August 2022
A simple conversation
It was 2019, a rainy August afternoon in Perth, when one of my colleagues at Apps People mentioned a concept he'd used in Europe, a platform selling end of day food stock. It sounded like something that was needed in Australia, so much food was going to waste.
These were pre-pandemic times and like any entrepreneur, I knew it was important to validate the idea locally, so I wanted to organise a catch-up with a bakery industry professional.
I reached out to Michael Forde, the then co-owner and co-founder of the very popular Mary Street Bakery. Through a telephone conversation it quickly became apparent that there was a lot of food waste happening at stores. And through more validation I also discovered that many bakeries didn't even want to talk about it. It was although it was swept under the carpet.
Fortunately Michael was very upfront about it and that led me going with my instinct and believing it was an app worth building.
In December 2019 I launched an incubator program for neurodiverse individuals interested in having their own startup. The incubator, named ProFound Incubator received matched funding from JTSI (Department of Jobs, Training, Science and Innovation) and I was able to bring 10 talented individuals through the program and many were able to secure jobs after completion.
During the program we used the Foody Bag concept to involve some of the participants who didn't have their own startup ideas.
One of the talents took a part-time role with Apps People to help test the Foody Bag app before launch.
At the end of June 2021 we launched Foody Bag to the public and it very soon became a well-known app in the community, helping to fight food waste. Foody Bag has since received great publicity from ABC Radio Perth, ABC, Channel 9 News, 6PR, Triple M, PerthNow and The West Australian newspaper.
So from a simple idea to a mobile app that took 6 solid months to build before launch, we are truly grateful. The public has come together to help ensure it has a permanent part in the community.